Hexadecimal Converters

Hexadecimal To Decimal Conversion

Integer part: We multiply each digit with its place value and add the products.

(F3)16 = (243)10

(F3)16 = (15 × 161) + (3 × 160)

240 + 3

= (243)10

Fractional part: We multiply each digit with its place value and add the products.


(3A.26)16 = (3 × 161) + (10 × 160) + (2 × 16-1) + (6 × 16-2)

= 4848 + 1010 + 216162​ + 62562566

= (58.1484375)10

Hex To Binary Converter

Integer part: To convert a hexadecimal number to binary, we write 4 bit binary equivalent of each hexadecimal digit in the same order.

Example: (A46)2 

(A46)2 = (101001000110)8

Fraction part: To convert a hexadecimal number to binary, we write 4 bit binary equivalent of each hexadecimal digit in the same order.

Example: (C52.1A)2 

(C52.1A)2 = (110001010010.00011010)8

Hexadecimal to Octal

Integer part:


(3A)16 = (00111010)2

In the second step, we convert the binary number to octal.

(00111010)2 = (72)8

Fraction part:

Example: (2A.9)16

In the first step, we convert the hexadecimal number to binary.

In the second step, we convert the binary number to octal.

(00101010.1001)2 = (52.44)8

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