Basic Input and Output

Input Function:

  • The input function is used to request and get information from the user.
  • The syntax for using the input function is: variable = input('prompt').
  • The prompt is a string, which is a sequence of characters enclosed in quotes.
  • Example: name = input(‘What is your name?: ‘)
  • When the user inputs their name, the input function captures it, and the variable name is assigned this value.
    • What is your name?: Charles

Print Function:

The print function is used to display information on the screen in Python. This may be used to display a message:

>>>print('Welcome to My First Program!')
Welcome to My First Program!

or used to output the value of a variable:

or to display a combination of both strings and variables:

name = input('What is your name?: ')
print('Hello', name)

What is your name?: Charles
Hello Charles

A comma is used to separate the individual items being printed, causing a space to appear between each when displayed.

In Python, input is used to request and get information from the user, and print is used to display information on the screen.


  • In Python, lines beginning with the hash sign # denote a comment statement.
  • Comment statements are used to provide information for people reading the program.
  • They are ignored during program execution and have no effect on the program results.
# This is a comment statement 
# It provides information about the following code 
name = input('Enter your name: ') # Prompting the user for their name 
print('Hello,', name) # Printing a greeting message with the user's name
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