• Program Debugging:
    • The process of finding and correcting errors (bugs) in a computer program is called program debugging.
    • Errors are inevitable during program development.

Syntax Errors:

  • Syntax errors are caused by invalid syntax, such as typing prnt instead of print.
  • Translators (compilers or interpreters) cannot understand instructions that contain syntax errors.
  • As a result, translators terminate when encountering syntax errors and indicate where in the program the problem occurred.
  • For example, a misspelling of a keyword or the omission of necessary punctuation marks can cause syntax errors.

Semantic Errors (Logic Errors)

  • Semantic errors, also known as logic errors, are caused by errors in program logic.
  • Translators cannot automatically detect these errors because they cannot understand the intent behind the computation.
  • For example, if a program calculates the average of three numbers using (num1 + num2 + num3) / 2.0 instead of dividing by 3, a translator would not recognize this mistake.
  • Computers only follow the given instructions and do not understand what the program is meant to do. Therefore, it is up to the programmer to detect and correct these errors.
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