What Is Computer Software?

Computer software refers to a collection of program instructions, data, and documentation that can be executed on a computer. The documentation can be in the form of instructions on paper, such as user manuals, technical specifications, or system requirements, or in digital form, such as files and programs. There are two broad categories of software: system software and application software.

System Software:

  • This type of software is essential for the operation of a computer system.
  • Examples of system software include operating systems (e.g., Windows, macOS, Linux), device drivers, firmware, and utility programs.
  • System software is responsible for tasks such as memory management, file management, security, and hardware communication.

Application Software:

  • This type of software is designed to meet specific user needs and perform particular tasks.
  • Application software includes programs such as word processors, web browsers, spreadsheet applications, photo-editing programs, video games, and multimedia players.
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